

Nice memory, just put up this on Youtube,

We are preparing to create our 4th version of Body of Water, our Live Performance Concert! Will it be like summer 2023, a 3h durational at Malmöfestivalen? - A fantastic experience! - Or will it be more like the light and easy like the 50 minute version 2 in St Pauli Church, (thank you Per Myrstener for joining in on organ this specific time) #gallerihelgenmalmo2022 ? Or will it be outdoor like the first a 40 minutes version, initiated by #malmokonstmuseum 2020 at the castle yard?

We all feel very happy for all three, so let's see what will be!! @breathingwater:
Felicia Konrad David Carlsson Mats Persson Tina Quartey 

Our ongoing sound piece: Breathing Water/Breathing Water, Happy for listening numbers and in so many different countries!!

Our first album: Water Dialouges, a soundpiece created for an exhibition at Tomelilla Arthall, to make an exhibition more accessible for blind and visually impaired people.

Our playlist with both our albums and some other  of our "watery" sound pieces from earlier years:


Totally WOW! Our 3-hour durational Body of Water LIve Performance Concert in St Petri Church at Malmöfestivalen 16/8 was immensely strong! Some people stayed for all the 3 hours! And some just asked directly after; Are you going to do this again? - And yes! But we don't know when och where right now! -

-YOUTUBE Here is the last 14 minutes of these 3 hours, a flowing improvisation:

We are also very grateful for the appreciation from the general of "Malmöfestivalen", Jessica Nilsson: what a fantastic piece and what a strong experience on site!

                                                                                            Photo Johan Haugen
Body of Water: 3-hour durational in St Petri Church on the 16th of August, @malmofestivalen 2023

We are also sketching some ideas, and hoping that our continuous contact with Skånes Dansteater will result in a very

special sound work.


26/9 It was a wonderful experience with our Live Performance Concert in St Pauli Church, Malmö, #malmogallerihelg2022 #konstframjandetiskane; here is a short film of clips on facebook

here is a short film of clips at instagram

at Youtube (8 aprile, 2024)

24/9 Very happy that Body of Water was one of the first mentioned and tiped about by a wonderful art critic Carolina Söderholm, in our loccal/regional paper;

23-25 Sept 2022 The Gallerywekeend in Malmö:

#malmogallerihelg2022 #konstframjandetiskane

 at Sankt Pauli Church, Malmö/Sweden
Body of Water/Kropp av Vatten
23/9 Live Performance Concert 19.30 
with our constellation Breathing  Water: Felicia Konrad, David Carlsson, Mats Persson, and Tina Quartey. 

23/9 Our art film Precious Balance Walk

will be looping 18.00 - 19.15 and 20.50 - 22.00

24-25/9, 12-16,  Outdoor installation with Body of Water Guided Meditation instructions beside the big porch at the church.

 This will be an extended version based on both our sound piece Breathing Water and our first version of the Live Performance Concert 'Body of Water/Kropp av Vatten', which we created on commission by Malmö Art Museum when our sound piece Water Dialogues was exhibited there outdoor July-August 2020, as an extension of the exhibition Shape Shifters. The Sound piece Water Dialogues was originally created in 2018 on commission for the audio log at Tomelilla Art hall for the exhibition Amniotic Fluid/I Still Live in Water. 

22/4  Now we will start again working with a piece in our ongoing sound piece Breathing Water, named The Sound Choir, in which we ask people to send iPhone recordings with 2 phrases about the facts that the life in the Oceans give us 2 out 3 breaths of the oxygen on Earth, in different languages. In our town Malmö; around 160-180 is spoken. So this will take time. Right now we have 41 languages. Our aim is to install this piece in a sound shower outdoor, public. - But we take our time!

03/ Our sound piece has according to the statistics been played in 35 countries and had between 49-98 listeners every 2 weeks since the release; most listeners right now in the USA, Sweden, Canada, Australia, France, then following under 5 listeners in Great Britain, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Germany, The Netherlands, Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republik, Romania, Italy, Spain, Columbia, Brasil, Argentine, Mexico, Philippines, Malaysia, Israel, India, Taiwan, Portugal, Angola, Chile, Polen, Ireland, Turkey, Greece. 

28/12 VERY GRATEFUL; Johanna Olofsson, choose a part of our sound piece; Breathing Water Deep by David Carlsson @davic to her Kalejdoskop, Swedish radio.
She also picked our group photo by Johan Haugen, so now the soundpiece and our grop photo are public!!

(Breathing Water have project development support from @malmökulturstöd)

Friday 26/11  3 and 4 of singles release  
Breathing Water Ambient by Mats Persson and Breathing Water Deep by David Carlsson @davic,
both instant compositions with an vibrating sensuous flow. 
Breathing Water received project development support by #malmökulturstöd
Stills from film by @syrsazadig

Breathing Water Ambient: Spotify   Youtube
Breathing Water Deep: Spotify   Youtube

12/11 SINGLE RELEASE NUMBER 2 of our sound piece Breathing Water; THE SOUND, (Öresund), an instant composition playing-with-becoming-with the sounds from field recordings from the shorelines from The Sound/Öresund, Malmö.     Spotify      Youtube

The 1st out of 5 singles from our soundpiece BREATHING WATER!   Listen on Spotify Bandcamp Youtube-radioedit Youtube