"Water is a connector, a differentiator, a facilitator, a communicator.
It brings all kinds of bodies into intimate contact, despite and because of our differences” Astrida Nemanis
Februaruy: Uppdate:
We have applied to make a project with public underwater listening events in Malmö, at Södra Varvsbassängen, and to extend Body of Water Live Performance concert with sounds from there, and underwater filmmaterial, and to make sound pieces available for the public, and an artistic composition for our ongoing sound-piece Breathing Water.
So we keep our thumbs!
We are also happy to be a part of the dispatches to arrangers and different actors in the musical world, that Musikcentrum Syd is making now in February 2025. https://www.musikcentrumsyd.se/boka
Our ongoing sound piece: Breathing Water/Breathing Water,
Happy that many are listening and in so many different countries!!
Johanna Olofsson, choose Breathing Water Deep by David Carlsson @davic, Kalejdoskop, Swedish Radio P2, 2022 www.sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/bootlegs-bonanza-och-asian-underground)
Breathing Water got project development support from @malmökulturstöd)
Our first album: Water Dialogues 2019, a sound piece created for an art exhibition at and on assignment by Tomelilla Arthall 2018, to make an exhibition more accessible for blind and visually impaired people, as well exhibited at Malmö Art Museum 2020, Ljudkullen Malmö Sommarscen 2021, and at GIBCA Extended, Tjörns Kommun, 2021, Also played in Jazzradion, and at Kalejdoskop P2, Swedish Radio 2019
And the piece "Water is Instinct" is in the awarded short film Precious Balance Walk by the art project I Still Live in Water.
Our playlist with both our albums and some other of our "watery" sound pieces from earlier years:
Documentation our 3 versions of Body of Water/Kropp av Vatten Live Performance Concerts:
Our 3-hour durational Body of Water /Kropp av Vatten LIve Performance Concert in St Petri Church at Malmöfestivalen 16/8 was immensely strong! Some people stayed for all the 3 hours! And some just asked directly after; Are you going to do this again? - And yes! But we don't know when och where!
- We are also very grateful for the appreciation from the general of "Malmöfestivalen", Jessica Nilsson: what a fantastic piece and what a strong experience on site!
Here is the last 14 minutes of these 3 hours, a flowing improvisation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1K_r3UK_FY
A light and easy flowing 50 minutes version at St Pauli, as a part of the Gallery weekend 2022 in Malmö, #stpauli #gallerihelgenmalmö #konstfrämjandetiskane
Thank you Per Myrstener for joining in on the big church organ in the end! And we were very happy that Body of Water was one of the first mentioned and tipped about by a wonderful art critic Carolina Söderholm,
On assignment by Malmö Art Museum we created the first version of
Body of Water/Kropp Av Vatten, outdoor during the exhibition of our sound piece Water Dialogues there.
It was a wonderful experience with a wonderful audience outdoor, we were lucky with the weather!
Photo Johan Haugen
Body of Wate/Kropp av Vatten Live Performance Konsert
3-hour durational in St Petri Church on the 16th of August @malmofestivalen 2023
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